
Showing posts from January, 2023

Memes Are Becoming The Powerful Voice of Social Media Platforms

Meme Marketing                        Social media, with a significant impact on people’s minds, can be said to have also taken over people’s lives. One aspect that has made it so is the meme culture. Memes are pictures or videos relatable to an audience because of their funny captions. Using memes to attract the attention of an audience is called   meme marketing . Also called  memes advertising   and the future of social media, meme marketing is where your brand can take popular memes and edit or adjust their captions to make them more relevant to their brand. Meme marketing is a powerful tool that allows brands to accomplish their goals in marketing, such as promoting their brand and spreading awareness. It is also an ideal way to keep updated on  social media platforms  and advertise your brand as in the know, current and relevant. There are a lot of  meme   marketing examples ; one of the...

How To Make an Engaging Content Strategy Calendar?

social media content calendar                    A content strategy calendar is also called a   social media content calendar , editorial calendar, or social media calendar. It is a summary of your forthcoming social media posts; it follows the order in which the event or the record shall occur. A social media calendar can take many forms. You can have a spreadsheet, a Google Calendar, an  Instagram content calendar,  or an interactive dashboard. Usually, it includes some or a combination of these elements for every post: * the date and time it will go live * the network and the social media account where it will be published * the required copy and creative assets — videos, photos, etc. * links and tags to include If you’re wondering about the importance of the social media calendar, there are some justifications for why you need it, such as: * It can eventually save you time and energy. * It can help reduce mistakes * It...

Differences Between B2B and B2C Marketing?

Differences Between B2B and B2C Marketing                        Successful marketing of products or services takes work to get right. When developing their marketing strategies, marketers have a lot to deal with. There are creative demands, channel decisions, and budget limits to handle. However, the biggest factor that decisively affects the outcome of a marketing strategy is the audience. The audience is your buyer persona, and they should be properly targeted. Otherwise, your ads and promotions are likely to be ignored and forgotten. The goal of  B2B and B2C marketing  is to capture the attention of two distinct audiences: individual shoppers and big companies and organizations. While you can find many similarities between these two types of marketing, you will also realize that  B2B   and B2C  have differences in how they engage their audience. B2B means  business-to-business marketing . It is...

Digital Advertising vs Digital Marketing -What’s The Difference?

Digital Advertising VS Digital Marketing If you have a business, say a product or service, that you want the consumers to know, you should use  digital advertising   and digital marketing. These two terms seem similar, but they are not. They are two different ways of having your business publicized. Let’s learn how they differ. First of all,  what is digital advertising ?  Also known as online advertising, web advertising, and internet marketing. Digital advertising promotes a product or service through websites, search engines, social media, and other online platforms. There are three main types of digital advertising, and they are: * PPC (Pay per Click) Ads — a form of paid advertising wherein marketers pay to place ads on Google, Bing, and others so that potential audiences are directed to their website. * Display Ads — promote products and services through advertising using visuals like images, videos, and others. Social Ads — are advertisements placed on social ...