Whom to opt for your Marketing Solution?

Freelancers work independently and directly with their clients and are not associated with any particular client for a long time. Micro agencies are such agencies that can be hired #anytime #anywhere.


For some clients, a marketing or creative agency might be more than is needed, but freelancers, on the whole, tend to be specialists, who need you to invest time in managing and overseeing their work.

Let's consider you are setting up a new brand of clothing and are in search of a dedicated advertising strategy. Branding requires designing stationery, website, digital and non-digital advertising, etc. You may decide upon hiring a freelancer to get the best for all the sections.

Each aspect is developed by a different freelancer who is an expert in his/her work, leading to the amalgamation of different thoughts. You have a distinguished marketing team working with your time in managing and getting the desired output.

Last but not least you end up spending your time creating marketing materials rather than focusing on other details of your startup.


On the other hand, if you choose to hire a micro agency you choose to leave your responsibility to someone who understands your requirement and will have the best hands working on your project.

A micro agency saves time managing and overseeing the freelancer's work and delivers the final product for your consideration.

Micro agencies can be hired at any point and they will manage your account utilizing their expert tools. With micro agencies, you are at peace in terms of coordination and quality of work.

You can also opt to hand over your entire marketing responsibility and ask to achieve the best results. In such cases, all you have to do is wait for the result rest is handled by them.

We at Live Black are the best digital marketing agency in Ahmedabad. Our services are branding, graphics, content, web design, web development, and mobile app design. For more information, visit our live black website.


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